job title: assistant professor, school of economics, peking university
research field:
environmental economics: ecology, transportation; urban economics
education background:
2015-2021, ph.d. in economics, school of applied economics and management, cornell university;
2014-2015, master of economics, london school of economics and political science;
2010-2014, bachelor of economics and finance (with minor in mathematics), hong kong university of science and technology
waxman, a., liang, y., li, s., barwick, p.j. and zhao, m., 2020. tightening belts to buy a home: consumption responses to rising housing prices in urban china. journal of urban economics , 115 , p.103190.
liang, y., rudik, i., zou, e.y., johnston, a., rodewald, a.d. and kling, c.l., 2020. conservation cobenefits from air pollution regulation: evidence from birds. proceedings of the national academy of sciences , 117(49), pp.30900-30906.
working papers:
do safety inspections improve safety? evidence from the roadside inspection program for commercial motor vehicles
economic production and biodiversity in the united states, yuanning liang, ivan rudik, eric zou