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the 10th china youth economic forum for the new era was held by school of economics at peking university

  from may 28th to may 30th, 2021, the school of economics at peking university held the 10th china youth economic forum for the new era. chen changyi, deputy secretary of the communist youth league beijing municipal committee, ye jingyi, deputy chairman of the school council of peking university, dong zhiyong, dean of the school of economics at peking university, liu qiao, dean of the guanghua school of management at peking university, li daokui, dean of the chinese academy of economic thought and practice at tsinghua university, liu shouying, dean of the school of economics at renmin university of china, zheng xinye, dean of the school of applied economics at renmin university of china, qi yudong, dean of the school of economics and management at beijing normal university, hu guodong, secretary of the youth league committee of peking university, cui jianhua, chairman of the school council of the school of economics at peking university, suo lingyan, vice dean and wang yiran, deputychairman of the school council , attended the opening ceremony of the forum. more than 100 representatives from peking university, tsinghua university and other universities participated in the event.

  on the afternoon of may 28, the opening ceremony of the 10th china youth economic forum for the new era was held in the dongxu academic lecture hall (603) of the school of economics.

  chen changyi expressed his warm congratulations on the opening ceremony and affirmed the achievements of the forum over the past ten years. he pointed out that standing at the historical intersection, young students should not forget their original aspirations, inherit the past and the future, and offer advices and suggestions for china's economic development in the new era.


  subsequently, chen changyi, ye jingyi, hu guodong, and cui jianhua jointly launched the theme scroll written by students of the school of economics-"ten years of economics and a century of love", which opened this forum. chen xiaoyu, a 2018 undergraduate student of school of economics at peking university, delivered a speech as the student representative of the forum participants, and dong zhiyong delivered an opening speech on behalf of the organizer.


  after the launching ceremony, the forum launched a round-table dialogue with the theme of "how to do economic research in the new era-the mission and responsibility of young economists". the deans of the economic schools of these four universities talked about the development of young students. the roundtable dialogue was hosted by han xiao, a 2018 phd student of school of economics at peking university.


  dong zhiyong said that the current economic research in china is developing rapidly, that young teachers and students have published many top journal articles, and that domestic universities and the world's top universities have jointly cultivated many excellent students. on the one hand, young economists should follow the path of internationalization and open their minds; on the other hand, they also need to "write chinese stories and write papers on the land of the motherland."

  liu qiao pointed out that in the field of applied economic theory, there are currently fewer academic articles focusing on china's issues. we still need to unswervingly use a scientific and rational attitude to shift the focus of research to practical problems in china.

  li daokui expressed his expectations for contemporary youth. he said that in the new era, young economists need to deal with the challenges of actual economic operations, to summarize china's economic practices, and to extract new knowledge of universal significance.


  liu shouying puts forward three suggestions to young economics researchers. to concern national conditions, to go down to the grassroots units, and to be open to coexistence of diversity.

  zheng xinye emphasized that young students must practice basic skills and lay a solid academic foundation, so that the "mode of production" of economic thinking can continuously adapt to the development of society.

  qi yudong said that the digital economy is bringing a profound revolution to economic research. young economists need to strengthen their knowledge in economic theory and business theory, especially microeconomic theory and management theory on the digital economy, so that the digital economy will become an important driving force for the great rejuvenation of china.



  on may 29, seven parallel sub-forums set up by the forum were launched simultaneously.

  on the morning of may 30th, the closing ceremony of the 10th china youth economic forum for the new era with the theme of "ten years of economics and a century of love" was held in the dongxu academic lecture hall (603) of the school of economics. cui jianhua, chairman of the school council of the school of economics at peking university, suo lingyan, deputy dean, and wang yiran, deputy chairman of the school council attended the meeting. nearly a hundred academic representatives from various well-known universities attended the event. the closing ceremony was hosted by liu xuyan, a 2019 undergraduate from the school of economics at peking university.

  after the reports of outstanding achievements by academic representatives of each group, suo lingyan commented on the reports and presentations. she spoke highly of the academic attitudes and discussion results of academic representatives. she hoped that the students can continue to improve their research literacy and move forward steadily on the road of future research.

  subsequently, yang fan, an outstanding representative of the forum and a 2018 undergraduate from central university of finance and economics, gave a speech.

  after that, suo lingyan announced the list of outstanding representatives of this forum. cui jianhua, suo lingyan, and wang yiran issued certificates to academic representatives who won the title of "excellent forum representatives".

  then, cui jianhua delivered a closing speech. cui jianhua said that young students should have a deeper understanding of "the economist's mission and responsibilities". the 10th china youth economic forum for the new era ended successfully in the warm applause.

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