

莫家伟助理教授、吴泽南长聘副教授、袁野助理教授的合作论文发表于《journal of environmental economics and management》

  近日,北京大学市场经济研究中心特聘研究员莫家伟助理教授、吴泽南长聘副教授和袁野助理教授的合作论文《air pollution kills competition: evidence from esports》在环境经济学领域顶级期刊《journal of environmental economics and management》2023年10月刊上发表。

  abstract:this article investigates how environmental adversity affects competitive performance in cognitive-intensive settings. using a comprehensive dataset of professional esports tournaments and match-hour variation of fine particulate matters, we find robust evidence that pollution kills competition. specifically, higher air pollution levels diminish the performance and winning odds of the weaker team in a matchup while boosting that of the stronger team, widening the gap between them. we document two operating channels: (i) pollution leads to heterogeneous performance-reducing effects contingent on a team’s relative strength against their opponent, rather than its absolute competitiveness; and (ii) a weaker team adjusts their strategic decision-making differently in a polluted environment compared to their stronger counterparts. our findings elucidate the distributional impact of environmental adversity and underscore its influence on strategic decision-making.





