

袁野助理教授与合作者的研究成果发表于《environmental and resource economics》



  近日,北京大学市场经济研究中心特聘研究员袁野助理教授的合作论文《health benefits from improved air quality: evidence from pollution regulations in china’s “ 2 26 ” cities》在经济学领域核心期刊《environmental and resource economics》上正式发表。


  abstract:this study assesses the health benefits of better air quality by examining the causal impact of china’s stringent “ 2 26 ” regional air pollution control policy on local air quality and population health. employing a spatial regression discontinuity design that capitalizes on the policy’s location-specific features, we present compelling evidence that the 2 26 policy results in an average reduction of 12.2 units in the local air quality index (aqi) and a 47.0% decrease in per capita medical expenditure from 2014 to 2018. a one-unit reduction in aqi corresponds to a 0.88% reduction in per capita annual medical spending, equivalent to rmb 30.2 (us$4.6). these health gains stem from reduced chronic disease prevalence and improved subjective well-being. nationally, air quality improvement during 2014–2018 could save rmb 674 billion (us$104 billion) annually in national direct medical costs, constituting 11.6% of national medical expenditure in 2018. our findings underscore the substantial health and welfare gains achievable through pollution controls in developing countries.





