•hongbing xu, castiel chen zhuang*, vanessa oddo, espior bwenge malembaka, xinghou he, qinghong zhang, and wei huang. "maternal preconceptional and prenatal exposure to el niño-southern oscillation levels and child mortality: a multi-country study", nature communications, 15: 6034, jul 2024. []
• saizi xiao, and castiel chen zhuang*. "measuring and decomposing the multidimensional financial wellbeing in malaysia", empirical economics letters, 23(4): 125-140, apr 2024. []
• zhihan cui, lu liu, and castiel chen zhuang*. "the impact of the removal of zero-covid policies on subjective well-being: evidence from a digital world", economics letters, 229: 111189, aug 2023. []
• castiel chen zhuang, jessica jones-smith, sarah andrea, anjum hajat, and vanessa oddo*. "maternal precarious employment and child overweight/obesity in the united states", preventive medicine, 169: 107471, apr 2023. []
• vanessa oddo*, castiel chen zhuang, jessica jones-smith, anjum hajat, jerome dugan, sarah andrea, and trevor peckham. "association between precarious employment and bmi in the united states", obesity, 31(1): 234-242, jan 2023. (editors' choice) []
• hongbing xu, castiel chen zhuang*, xinpeng guan, xinghou he, rongshan wu, tong wang, qinghong zhang, and wei huang. "associations of climate variability driven by el niño-southern oscillation with excess mortality and related medical costs in chinese elderly", science of the total environment, 851: 158196, dec 2022. []
• vanessa oddo*, castiel chen zhuang, sarah andrea, jerzy eisenberg-guyot, trevor peckham, daniel jacoby, and anjum hajat. "changes in precarious employment in the united states: a longitudinal analysis", scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 47(3): 171-180, apr 2021.
• yi chen, julie shi*, and castiel chen zhuang. "income-dependent impacts of health insurance on medical expenditures: theory and evidence from china", china economic review, 53: 290-310, feb 2019.
• 夏庆杰*、孙祁祥、庄晨:“中国经济转型时期性别工资差异分析”,《社会科学战线》,2015年第10期,第38-55页。
• 秦雪征*、周建波、辛奕、庄晨:“城乡二元医疗保险结构对农民工返乡医院的影响——以北京市农民工为例”,《中国农村经济》,2014年第2期,第56-68页。(全文转载于人大复印报刊资料《统计与精算》2014年第4期)
• jiayi liu, yanbin li, yanhan xu, castiel chen zhuang*, yang hu, and yue yu. "impacts of built environment on urban vitality in cultural districts: a case study of haikou and suzhou", land, 13(6): 840, jun 2024. []
• 秦雪征、庄晨*、杨汝岱:“计划生育对子女教育水平的影响——来自中国的微观证据”,《经济学(季刊)》,2018年第3期,第897-922页。
• xuezheng qin, castiel chen zhuang*, and rudai yang. "does the one-child policy improve children's human capital in urban china? a regression discontinuity design", journal of comparative economics, 45(2): 287-303, may 2017.
• xuezheng qin*, tianyu wang, and castiel chen zhuang. "intergenerational transfer of human capital and its impact on income mobility: evidence from china", china economic review, 38: 306-321, apr 2016.
• qifan huang, saizi xiao, and castiel chen zhuang*. "the heterogeneous impact of covid-19 in a two-sided market: evidence from a live-streaming platform", applied economics, 54(49): 5670-5689, oct 2022. []
• qifan huang, and castiel chen zhuang*. "training, productivity, and wages: an investigation of china's manufacturing enterprises in a privatization era", economics of transition and institutional change, 30(2): 269-288, apr 2022.