we’ve got you covered! the effect of public health insurance on rural entrepreneurship in china (with zhenggang wang and zenan wu), july 2024, journal of public economics.
health benefits from improved air quality: evidence from the pollution regulations in china’s “2 26” cities (with tingting xie and yong wang), april 2024, environmental and resource economics.
love, health and robots: automation, migration, and family responses in rural china (with yaojing wang and ruini zhu), 2024, (85): 102145, china economic review.
early childhood sars experience leads to long-lasting impacts on adulthood mental health in china (with litian chen, chao yang, and tingting xie), 2023, (13): 22572, scientific reports.
air pollution kills competition: evidence from esports (with jiawei mo and zenan wu), 2023, (122): 102886, journal of environmental economics and management.
go with the wind: spatial impacts of environmental regulations on economic activities in china (with tingting xie), 2023 (164): 103139, journal of development economics.
the short- and long-run effects of medical malpractice lawsuits on medical spending and hospital operations in china (with gordon liu, junjian yi, and shaoyang zhao), 2023 (51), 1142-1161, journal of comparative economics.
information, awareness, and mental health: evidence from pollution disclosure in china, (with tingting xie and hui zhang), journal of environmental economics and management, 2023, (120): 102827.
the consequences of health shocks on households: evidence from china (with zhenjie jin and yajie wang), china economics review, (2023) 79: 101969.
cost-effectiveness of medical migration for chronic kidney disease: a national study in china (with yumeng ao, chao yang, et al.), bmc health service research, (2022) 22:912.
differential responses to market competition by private and public hospitals in china: a longitudinal analysis (with junjian yi, and shaoyang zhao), the lancet, 2019 (394): s37.
the glorified mothers of sons: evidence from sex composition and parental time allocation in rural china, (with yi fan, junjian yi, and junsen zhang), journal of economic behavior and organization, 2018 (145), 249-260.
the dynamic effect of rural-to-urban migration on inequality in source villages: system gmm estimates from rural china, (with wei ha, junjian yi, and junsen zhang), china economic review, 2016, volume 37, pp 27-39.