个人简介:陆方文,博士毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校,现北京大学经济学院教授。主要研究领域是行为和实验经济学、发展经济学、劳动经济学,擅长随机实地实验(randomized field experiment),在教育、医疗、交通、环境等领域开展实验研究和其他实证研究。
university of california-berkeley, agriculture and resource economics, phd, 2011
university of california-berkeley,, public policy, mpp
2021 北京市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,二等奖。
2018 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目,管理科学部。
2017 教育部长江学者(青年学者),经济学。
2017 北京市第十四届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,二等奖。
2016 教育部第五届全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖,三等奖。
selected publications (english)
.” journal of development economics, jan 2014, 106(1): 156–167.
cited in textbooks:
jeffrey perloff, . pearson, 3rd edition, 2013.
jeffrey perloff, microeconomics. pearson, 7th edition, 2014.
lu, fangwen, and michael anderson. “peer effects in microenvironments: the benefits of homogeneous classroom groups.” journal of labor economics, jan 2015, 33(1): 91-122.
anderson, michael, fangwen lu*, yiran zhang, jun yang, and ping qin. “superstitions, street traffic, and subjective wellbeing.” journal of public economics, oct 2016, 142: 1-10. [lead article]
anderson, michael, and fangwen lu*. “learning to manage and managing to learn: the effects of student leadership service.” management science, oct 2017, 63(10): 3246–3261.
popular writing published in harvard business review, “how leadership experience affects students,” 2017-2-21
chen, yan, fangwen lu*, and jinan zhang. “social comparisons, status and driving behavior.” journal of public economics, oct 2017, 155: 11-20.
yang, jun, shuai chen, ping qin*, fangwen lu, and antung liu. “the effect of subway expansions on vehicle congestion: evidence from beijing.” journal of environmental economics and management, march 2017, 88: 114-133.
anderson, michael, fangwen lu*, and jun yang. “.” bmj-british medical journal, dec 2019, 367: l6491.
tu, meng, bing zhang*, jianhua xu, and fangwen lu. “mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: evidence from the “under the dome.” journal of development economics, march 2020, 143: 102402.
zhang, jinan, jeffrey perloff, and fangwen lu*. “informing and inquiring: experimental evidence on reducing traffic violations.” journal of development economics, nov 2020, 147: 102534.
lu, fangwen, weizeng sun, and jianfeng wu. special economic zones and human capital investment: 30 years of evidence from china. american economic journal: economic policy (forthcoming)
he, daixin, fangwen lu*, and jianan yang. impact of self- or social-regarding health messages: experimental evidence based on antibiotics purchases. journal of development economics. (forthcoming)
teaching experience
econometrics (undergraduate)
randomized field experiment (graduate)